Sunday, September 13, 2009

Karl Fisch: Is it okay to be a technoloigcally illiterate teacher?

I enjoyed reading Karl Fisch's post on technologically illiterate teachers. I agree with him in that teachers should be very familiar with technology. We can not teach our students and children about technology if we do not know about it ourselves. We must know how to use it. Karl Fisch made a very good point when he used the example about getting a job in the 20th century without knowing how to read and write. He compared it to today and being able to get a job without being technologically literate. Within the next few years, I do not believe people will be able to get a job unless they know how to use technology.

I also agree that just because you do not think you are good at using technology does not mean you do not need to learn it. I think it is dumb to be proud of not being able to use technology. Eveyrone should know how to use it because our world lives and breathes by technology. It is sad to think that some of our children are smarter at using a ocmputer than we are. I honestly think it is ridiculous. As an upcoming teacher I will make sure I do everything I can to stay up to date on technology so that I can teach the students everything I learn.


  1. I agreed with him to about not being able to get a job without being literate in technology. Good post!
