Sunday, November 8, 2009

Michael Wesch

In this video, Michael Wesch talks about media versus culture. Media, he says, is not just a tool but that media mediates our conversations. When media changes, our conversations change. His buddy Marshall McLuhan said"We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us. Michael Wesch says that our conversations are mainly impacted by television. Our conversations come from television and create our culture. This is a great line that Michael Wesch said because I definitely believe it is true. We are always talking about things we see on television because what is on television impacts everything in our daily lives. He gives an example, when he shows a picture of his college classroom. The students seem uninterested and unexcited about his lecture and being in class. Then he shows a picture of the American Idol Casting Call and everyone in the photo seems excited and cheerful. What is the difference he says? The word "Whatever." Michael Wesch followed the history of the word "Whatever" and the meaning it has come to have today in our "MTV" World. The meaning it has today is that we believe we are the most important person in the world.

He believes that we have completely forgotten how to have a real relationship with another person. We are so wrapped up in ourselves, we just do not know how to do it anymore. He says that youtube is something that helps this problem. On youtube, you can connect and interact with people all over the world and create relationships with them. It does not matter if you are shy or outgoing it is just easier. I really enjoyed listening to Micheal Wesch and his lecture. To listen to it click here: Michael Wesch

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